As ever with the IT support industry, technological advances and innovations will play a major part in IT support for 2021, and new applications and software tools seem to be in constant development.

We are used to adaptive service requirements and new tech, and it’s one of the key elements of our IT support service at Taylored Solutions.

But the team thought they would take a brief look at what 2021 holds for IT Support in 2021.


Taking a quick look at the new technologies and processes IT support businesses may use to meet future needs and to ensure premium support levels, we would say the following areas will be significantly relevant.

Automation And Machine Learning

It may sound as if we are just throwing out industry phrases, but the exponential growth of automation is staggering, and if you couple this alongside machine learning, the processes become more complex and will require a premium level of IT support.

Machine learning will be a key, as the computer proposes solutions when it comes across previous issues it has encountered before and learnt from, this means two or more stages to monitor and optimise.

The benefit for the IT support industry is that a computer can analyse the support team’s processes and make a clinical judgement on which tasks could be automated.

The support team improves efficiency, and the customer is happy, so everyone wins.


A hot topic and ever-growing requirement, at Taylored Solutions we take cyber security seriously and make sure we bring our A game.

The digital future means more information storage or movement, and there will always be someone who wants to get their hands on it.

We see areas such as real-time threat protection whereby a customer’s systems are monitored proactively for threats and deliver an instant response to threat detection as vital.

This kind of super-fast reaction ensures that our customers’ networks and systems not only remain safe, but online for use, so keeping everyone productive.

Many of these new EDR platforms will be available in 2021, keeping systems and data safe.

Never let your systems be at risk. Talk to one of our advisors at Taylored Solutions today.

Virtual face-to-face IT support

The last two years have seen huge rises in the number of online team meetings, video chats and some of the larger online retailers now utilise video support agents to help customers as you walk in the store.


As the world continues its digital progression, more IT support will be delivered via these platforms with shared screens, remote access and real time video delivering swift solutions for customers and allowing the IT Support team to improve processes and operate more efficiently

It can be quicker to contact an online support team member than to find an in-house IT support team member and wait for them to arrive on the 35th floor!!

The Wrap

We would have to say that the last two years outsourced IT support had demonstrated its immense value, as the pandemic forced business into an alternative way of remote working.

IT Support is integral to your business, and the experienced team at Taylored Solutions can meet all your IT requirements.